State Reference Laboratory (SRL)

TRIHMS, Naharlagun

The State Reference Laboratory (SRL) was established in 2010 as SRL, Arunachal State Hospital Naharlagun under The National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) and Arunachal Pradesh State AIDS Control Society (APSACS).  The SRL has now been re-designated as the HIV Testing Laboratory HTL which include the State Reference Laboratory (SRL) and Integrated Counseling & Testing Centre (ICTC) situated in Department of Microbiology, Tomo Riba Institute of Health and Medical Science, Naharlagun, Arunachal Pradesh.

HTL Naharlagun has been granted NABL accreditation, Certificate Number MC-3224, issue date-21/08/2019 and valid till 20/08/2021) from National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration laboratories (NABL) in accordance with ISO 151189:2012. This is the First Government Laboratory to receive NABL Accreditation in Arunachal Pradesh.

National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) and Arunachal Pradesh AIDS Control Society (APSACS) are the regulatory bodies of the HIV testing laboratory (SRL & ICTC).

Presently SRL has the following Officers and Officials.

  1. Laboratory Director: Mope Riba, MD(Microbiology)
  2. Technical Officer: Miss Mongam Riba (M. Sc)
  3. Laboratory Technician:   (i) Miss Radhe Bam Kanya (L/T) (ii) Md Raju (L/T) iii. Smti. Kalung Yassung (L/T)
  1. Counselor:            Subu Nanya Counselor

Roles and responsibilities of HTL (SRL): –

  1. The SRL Participate in the External Quality Assurance Scheme (EQAS) proficiency testing programme conducted twice a year (June-July and December-January) by the linked NRL Regional Institute of Medical Sciences Imphal Manipur.
  2. Conduct the EQAS programme for ICTCs and blood banks twice a year (June-July and December-January).
  3. Analyze and report the proficiency results to the linked ICTCs and blood bank.
  4. Compile the participation and performance data from each round of EQA and send it to the NRL.
  5. Perform the Re-Testing or reverse flow quality check for the linked ICTCs by retesting 20% of the positives and 5% of the negatives tested at the ICTCs and Blood banks during the first week of January, April, July and October of every year.
  6. Refer samples with discordant results in the reverse flow to the NRL for further testing.
  7. Upon receiving the results of discordant samples from the NRL, visit the testing center, do root cause analysis and ensure that appropriate corrective & preventive action is taken for each discordant sample. Send the investigation form to NRL.
  8. Test samples with indeterminate results at the ICTCs by the same kits used at the ICTC and refer the samples to the NRL for further testing by Western Blot.
  9. Upon receiving the results of indeterminate samples from the NRL, follow up with the linked ICTC until the status of the client has been completely resolved and true status is confirmed.
  10. Mentor and monitor the linked ICTCs and Blood Banks through periodic visits. Oversee the smooth functioning of the linked ICTCs and follow-up on the actions taken to address any issues and concerns with the SRL in-charge, NRL and APSACS.
  11. Conduct annual induction and refresher training programmes for Lab Technicians of ICTCs and Blood Banks.
  12. Participate in any training/workshops conducted by NACO.
  13. Monthly reporting of the activities on SIMS.
  14. Correspond and communicate with NACO, Apex lab or NRL regarding any information or data required.
  15. Participate in HIV Sentinel Surveillance as required by NACO.
  16. Oversee the utilization of the funds received from the SACS for the activities in the NRL and ensure the timely submission of SOE and UC for every financial year to the SACS.
  17. To perform viral load testing as assigned by the lab In- charge.