DAPCU DAPCU stands for District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit. It was constituted to monitor the implementation of HIV/AIDS Control and preventive strategies which were to be synchronized and interface with the existing public health and programs at the district level. DAPCUs operate under the guidance and leadership of District HIV/AIDS prevention & control committee (DAPCC) a governing body consisting not more than 25 members. Dy. The commissioner is the Chairman of the Committee and DMO is the Vice Chairman. District AIDS Control Officer (DACO) work as the Member Secretary. The committee oversees the planning and monitoring of the physical and financial activities planned in the district HIV/AIDS action plan. As the response to the HIV epidemic in India cannot be managed centrally alone, DAPCU has been established in priority districts across the country as a step towards decentralization of the coordination and management of NACP by working in close coordination with the district Administration, to take up district initiatives. DAPCU mentors NACP facilities staff in efficient delivery of services. Monitoring activities through regular supervisory visits to HIV facilities, monthly review meetings welfare schemes under the mechanism of District Administration, are carried out under DAPCU. All the district in the country is divided into four categories viz A,B,C and D based on epidemiology and vulnerability criteria established through HIV Sentinel Surveillance (HSS). Lohit is the only district in the state which meet the criteria and therefore has been categorized as “A” with a total of 41 HIV/AIDS positive people since 2009. At present there are 30 are active till date. In Arunachal Pradesh the lone DAPCU which has been established in the year 2009 in the Light District with a total population of 145726 as per 2011 census. The mainland extends between the latitude 27033 “N and 29022 “N and longitude 95015”E and 97024”E with a total land area of 2402 KM2. Lohit is the only district in the state which is categorized as “A” because of the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the context of the general population.