IEC Component
In the IEC campaign the implementation of multimedia campaign has already reached out to more than 2 lakhs of people over the years. As per the NACO fact sheet report, through a network of 28 Targeted Interventions (including core composite), Arunachal has reached out to over 3810 female sex workers, 246 MSM, 1772 among injecting drug users. Arunachal has also been able to provide prevention services to around 37888 Migrants. This coverage will further increase and APSACS will be able to saturate outreach to cover all those who are most at risk. All these efforts have yielded good results. Amidst all these successes, putting an end to stigma and discrimination in all segments of our society continues to be a challenge.
These are the area where the IEC and mainstreaming component play a major role to prevent HIV infection, provide care, treatment and support under NACP. The people of the state including every section of society starting with the gram (village), block and Zila Panchayat up to elected representatives and political leaders at the state and district levels need to provide distinct entry points for debates, discussions and integrated action in addressing local concerns of the communities such as prevention, care and support, stigma, discrimination, deprivation, denial of basic rights, and access to services, schemes and entitlements etc.
Mass Media
APSACS utilised mass media like Newspapers, DDK, AIR, on special events like World AIDS Day, VBDD, NYD, and INYD as per the plan.
Printing of IEC Materials/Communication Aids:
SACS replicated IEC materials which were originally designed and developed by NACO with modification to contextualize as per the local needs. The language we printed was mostly in English & Hindi as it is the common language in Arunachal and the types of IEC materials are made available in different forms such as posters, leaflet folders & brochures for ICTC, Youths, Women, PPTCT, ART, STI, Blood Safety, Condom, Drug Abuse, Migrants, HRGs etc. Such communication activity, enhances the knowledge of the general population and HRGs to assist reduction of risk, promote behaviour change, generate demand for health services, and create an enabling environment for prevention amongst HRGs in particular.
APSACS, cash on the calendar events like World Blood Donation Day, International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, Voluntary Blood Donation Day, World AIDS Day, International and National Youth Day, were observed both at State and district level. Besides these, some state specific events like Arunachal Statehood Day, Donggin Festival, Mopin Festival, Solung Festival, Dree Festival, Nyokum Festival were also capitalized for Exhibitions and IEC activities.
Piggy back activities:
AP SACS piggy-backed many festivals from different tribes in the state and district level. Such festivals are very popular both in urban and rural and the magnitude of the participation during such festival are enormous. Keeping this into account, APSACS leverages on such festivals and events by piggy backing the organisers to create awareness on HIV/AIDS.
Youth Programmes:
Adolescence Education Programme: Training of Teachers through SIET and school level activities are carried for Schools students on World AIDS Day and other occassions.
Red Ribbon Clubs in Colleges: There are 37 colleges across 25 Districts under Red Ribbon Club. as suggested for Arunachal by NACO. Sensitization programs on Voluntary Blood Donation and Stigma Discrimination attached to HIV, motivational talks and blood donation camps are carried out through these RRC colleges. The teachers and college Principals are trained and sensitized on HIV. Additionally, RRC members are also involved during MMC – awareness through HIV Music Concert by mobilizing crowd for the events and distribution of IEC materials in Districts.
Newspapers advertisement:
Newspaper advertisements are carried out through special events and campaigns such as World AIDS Day, Voluntary Blood Donation Day, Int. Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, World Blood Donors Day, Women’s Day, Int. Youth Day, World AIDS Orphans Day, Int. Candlelight Memorial Day, Multi Media Campaign.
Newsletter: A yearly newsmagazine called Arun AIDS Buzz is also published every year focusing on the internal as well as other activities conducted by APSACS. The newsletter is circulated to NACO, other SACS, partner NGOs, implementing partners and all Government Departments.
Outdoor and Mid-media:
In outdoor media Wall Writings, Permanent & Rented Hoardings are used from time to time
Branding IEC Vans: IEC van is branded with HIV messages and used also used on important occasion during the outdoor campaigns.